Balliemeanoch Pump Storage Hydro Scheme

Why Pump Storage

The amount of electricity generated from renewables in the UK has increased 3-fold over the last decade. Due to its intermittent nature, the rise in renewable generation has resulted in increased demand for flexible capacity to help meet energy balancing requirements for the national grid system.

Pumped storage hydro is considered by the Directors to be the most developed and largest capacity form of grid energy storage that currently exists.  This can help reduce renewable energy curtailment and therefore promote grid stability.





The Project

Scheme Capacity = up to 1.5GW
Penstock Length = 2,800m
Max. Dam Height = 110m
Penstock Diameter = 9m
Headpond Working Volume = 58,000,000 m³
Power Cavern Size = 150m (l) x 50m (w) x 40m (h)

Site Location

Likely Effects

  • Loss of habitat / protected species
  • Water Quality
  • Noise
  • Air Quality (dust)
  • Landscape and visual
  • Transport
  • Amenity, recreation and tourism

Relevant Statutory Bodies

  • SEPA
  • NatureScot
  • Historic Scotland
  • SSE
  • Energy Consents Unit
  • Recreational and Tourism

What Has Happened So Far?

  • Ongoing Consultation, Environmental Surveying and Community Engagement
  • Submission of Scoping Report
  • Formal Public Exhibitions
  • Completion and Submission of Section 36 application and EIA

What Happens Next?

  • Formal public exhibitions
  • Preparation of Section 36 application and EIA
  • Consideration of Application by the Energy Consents Unit


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